April 25, 2018.- OBMICA (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) and Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies, Rutgers University (New Brunswick, USA) are relaunching the call for submissions to all scholars from any part of the world, who do research on deportation to submit academic essays for the international symposium “Deportation and/in the Future of Migration Studies: An International Conference”.

CONFERENCE DATES: 19-20 September 2018, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic



The first two decades of the 21st century have alerted scholars and the general public about the exponential growth of deportations in both the Global North and South. The rise of forced repatriations from the United States during the Obama years (2008-2016) and the intensification of anti-immigrant rhetoric and practice by the fledgling Trump administration represent a visible but by no means isolated case study of the transformations to communities, families, and individuals being caused by deportations. Other examples might be drawn from Europe and other parts of the world.

Renewed cross-border expulsions to Haiti (which have also prompted spontaneous returns of undocumented Haitian nationals), following the initial phase of implementation of a national plan for regularizing irregular migrants in the Dominican Republic, suggest that deportation is necessarily a dimension of involuntary population movement of increased interest to scholars, activists, and policymakers studying movement from the Global North to the South and within the Global South itself.

This conference provides an opportunity for international scholars of deportation from various parts of the globe to present their research on this phenomenon of growing global concern. A key dimension that the organizers seek to discuss is the relevance of deportation to existing and emerging paradigms in the study of population movement. How does centering deportation change frameworks for the study of migration?

An ensuing publication comprising key papers presented at this international conference will aim to contribute to the drawing up of a new research agenda on deportations in a global world.

Topical areas might include but not be limited to the following:

  1. Case studies of criminalization and deportation
  2. Differential impacts of deportation by ethnicity, race, and gender
  3. Family formation and deportation
  4. Re-entry after deportation
  5. Stigma and deportation
  6. Deportation and social justice
  7. Other topics

To apply, please send a title and abstract of your proposed paper (250 words) to Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.